Let you voice be heard! Say your comment for the proposed activity centre.

Let you voice be heard! Say your comment for the proposed activity centre.

Comments from the residents of Casey for the draft Activity Centres  Strategy is being encouraged by the City council. The city has a combined total of 81 large and small centres use for shopping, eating, work and meeting. The new strategy outlines Council’s vision to create a strong and vibrant network of activity centres across the municipality, and guidance on their growth and development to ensure they are thriving economic and social hubs for the community.

With a particular focus on jobs and economic development, the draft strategy will have these three key focus areas:

  • Shopping locally
  • Increasing local jobs, especially higher wage, white-collar job opportunities
  • Making our activity centres better places to spend time, and more enjoyable

An information session will be happening on Wednesday 27 November at 6.15 pm, at Bunjil Place Function Centre, 2 Patrick Northeast Drive.

There will also be three informal drop-in sessions:

  • Lynbrook Community Centre, Wednesday 20 November, 10.00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Selandra Community Hub, Friday 22 November, 10.00 am – 4.30 pm
  • Autumn Place Community Centre, Monday 2 December, 10.00 am – 4.30 pm

Feedback can be provided before 24 December 2019.

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