Solar powered flashing signs

Solar powered flashing signs

Federal Government’s Black Spot program funded six new solar-powered flashing sign installed on Churchill Park Drive between Police Road and the golf course, and a nearby section of Power Road. This is also part of the innovative road safety initiative aimed at reducing collisions between motorists and local wildlife.

Signs triggered by approaching vehicles will make drivers aware to slowdown in the area, particularly during darkness and dawn when wildlife crashes happen.

One kilometre Electronic bollards have also been installed along Churchill Park Drive in Lysterfield South, west of Parkside Boulevard towards the Churchill Park Golf Club boundary. These bollards emit a flashing light and sound to repel wildlife from approaching the road – effectively creating a virtual fence.

The bollard technology, created by Wildlife Safety Solutions, has been successfully used across Tasmania and in Victoria by VicRoads on a section of Wellington Road in Lysterfield. The early indications are that call-outs to injured wildlife on Wellington Road have reduced significantly since the bollards were installed earlier this year.

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